
Man of many talents. Server janitor, Chief Googler, Vice President of Pencil Sharpening, Director of Turning Things Off and On Again. Technology Plumber using Linux for stuff like Satellite STB, home CCTV system, kitchen sound bar, workstations, even car onboard computer. And servers, oh yeah - lots of them. I've been a Linux Mercenary for quite a while now, often using information posted by kind strangers on the Internet to solve problems during this journey. This blog is a humble attempt to give something back to the community.

May 072015

In this particular case I had to add a swap partition to existing Ubuntu system.


Shrink LVM

df -h
umount /var/www/owncloud/data
resize2fs /dev/mapper/vg0-owncloud 15G
lvresize -L 15G /dev/mapper/vg0-owncloud
lvdisplay /dev/mapper/vg0-owncloud
e2fsck /dev/mapper/vg0-owncloud
mount -a
df -h

create new LVM (swap)

# vgdisplay
--- Volume group ---
VG Name vg0
System ID
Format lvm2
Metadata Areas 1
Metadata Sequence No 3
VG Access read/write
VG Status resizable
Cur LV 1
Open LV 1
Max PV 0
Cur PV 1
Act PV 1
VG Size 20.00 GiB
PE Size 4.00 MiB
Total PE 5119
Alloc PE / Size 3840 / 15.00 GiB
Free PE / Size 1279 / 5.00 GiB
VG UUID q6lkE0-H33z-fWX6-5l4H-Kidx-iLKf-NdZJYq

Note Free PE and then

lvcreate vg0 -l 1279 -n swap
mkswap -f /dev/mapper/vg0-swap
echo "/dev/mapper/vg0-swap none swap sw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
swapon /dev/mapper/vg0-swap 

Check with say “free -m” to see if new swap space is now being seen by kernel.



May 072015

Isola Bella, Lago Maggiore, Italy


Update 2015-12-17 Right, so instructions below are mostly deprecated, see comments section.

Dell posted fairly clear instructions here for both Dell Linux Repository and for Dell System Update (DSU)

Generally for Centos/RHEL it boils down to the following steps:

wget -q -O - | bash
yum install dell-system-update
dsu --inventory 
yum  -y install srvadmin-all
service dataeng start
service dsm_om_connsvc start
chkconfig dsm_om_connsvc on
chkconfig dataeng on


I’ll keep below post just for reference.

Red Hat

wget -q -O - | bash
wget -q -O - | bash
yum update
yum install srvadmin-all
yum install dell_ft_install




echo 'deb /' | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver 1285491434D8786F
apt-get update
apt-get install srvadmin-all srvadmin-all snmp snmpd snmp-mibs-downloader libsnmp-base ipmitool -y

Make sure snmpd has line with

smuxpeer .

For Dell Power Edge R415 make sure modules are loaded /etc/modules




dataeng service starts automatically at reboot. If you want to manually start the service, issue the command below.

sudo service dataeng start

Now, you can use omreport, omconfig, and omhelp commands.

For example, you can issue omreport system summary to get details about your system.

You can use omconfig to configure component properties.

omhelp provides help information for commands.

See OpenManage? CLI User’s Guide for comprehensive documentation.


Web Interface

To use web interface, users with appropriate permissions need to be added.

Add users with appropriate permissions to /opt/dell/srvadmin/etc/omarolemap file. See detailed information in the User’s Guide.
Example:john_doe * Administrator

Start the web server.

service dsm_om_connsvc start

Go to https://:1311/ in your browser to access OMSA.

If you want to start dsm_om_connvsc service at boot, issue sudo update-rc.d dsm_om_connsvc defaults command.



Uninstall all packages

sudo apt-get --auto-remove remove srvadmin-all

Uninstall all packages including config files:

sudo apt-get --auto-remove purge srvadmin-all


Managing BIOS and firmware updates

Inventory firmware version levels


Compare versions installed to those available


Install any applicable updates

update_firmware --yes

Start interactive GUI




omconfig about
omreport about
# Report system overview
omreport chassis

# Report system summary info (OS, CPUs, memory, PCIe slots, DRAC cards, NICs)
omreport system summary

# Report bios settings
omreport chassis biossetup

# Fan info
omreport chassis fans

# Temperature info
omreport chassis temps

# CPU info
omreport chassis processors

# Memory and memory slot info
omreport chassis memory

# Power supply info
omreport chassis pwrsupplies

# Detailed PCIe slot info
omreport chassis slots

# DRAC card info
omreport chassis remoteaccess
# See available attributes and settings
omconfig chassis biossetup -?

# Turn the AC Power Recovery setting to On
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=acpwrrecovery setting=on

# Change the serial communications setting (on with serial redirection via)
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=serialcom setting=com1
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=serialcom setting=com2

# Change the external serial connector
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=extserial setting=com1
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=extserial setting=rad

# Change the Console Redirect After Boot (crab) setting
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=crab setting=enabled
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=crab setting=disabled

# Change NIC settings (turn on PXE on NIC1)
omconfig chassis biossetup attribute=nic1 setting=enabledwithpxe


Managing iDRAC

racadm getconfig -h
racadm getconfig -g cfgLanNetworking
racadm getconfig -g cfgIpmiLan
racadm getconfig -g cfgRacTuning
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgDNSRacName web-prod01-drac
racadm racreset
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgNicUseDHCP 1
# cfgNicSelection
# 0 = Shared
# 1 = Shared with Failover LOM2
# 2 = Dedicated
# 3 = Shared with Failover All LOMs (iDRAC6 Enterprise only)
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgNicSelection 0
ipmitool user list 1
ipmitool lan print 1
ipmitool channel info 1
ipmitool chassis status

