
Man of many talents. Server janitor, Chief Googler, Vice President of Pencil Sharpening, Director of Turning Things Off and On Again. Technology Plumber using Linux for stuff like Satellite STB, home CCTV system, kitchen sound bar, workstations, even car onboard computer. And servers, oh yeah - lots of them. I've been a Linux Mercenary for quite a while now, often using information posted by kind strangers on the Internet to solve problems during this journey. This blog is a humble attempt to give something back to the community.

Jul 102015



So I had this crazy idea about fitting onboard computer to my 04′ Honda Accord Tourer (Exec trim with premium speaker system – non-navi version).
Been googling this and digesting available information, finally stumbled upon this excellent Engineering(DIY) project, blog and associated forum – and decided to give it a shot.

First sketch


Work in progress


Rear view camera fitted


Final effect


Shopping list





Link to PDF version here



 Accord Radio Plug – source of power

One thing worth noting, in order to power things up we need access the radio plug. To access radio plug I had to remove the whole stereo/disc changer unit. Sounds tricky but this lovely chap has got it covered for you. I didn’t buy any stereo removal tools, simple wide steel spatula/scraper did the job. Once radio removed I could access the radio plug so carefully removed a bit of isolation from three wires and soldered my RPi2 /LCD power cables with fuses.

Was a bit scared of that part but it took less than an hour altogether. Jolly good.

Picture of actual plug, courtesy of



What’s left on my to do list

  • Adding pyOBD based KODI plugin for engine real-time diagnostic, similar to the one from this page.
  • Rear seats, adding headrest mounted monitors for kids (via HDMI splitter).


Full gallery with pictures is available here

 Video presentation links


Some final thoughts

One note, if you would prefer to mount LCD a bit higher, say right above ventilation ducts, you might be interested in fitting this plastic panel instead of Double DIN fascia I used. Just an interesting alternative that was mentioned on one of the forums, alternative which I wasn’t aware of.

Apart of that, not much left to say as Andrei’s blog has most of the aspects covered.
But obviously if you have any Honda Accord specific question feel free to drop a comment here.

Many thanks to Andrei for publishing all necessary info and for keeping this awesome project alive.


Jul 022015

Time has come, I need to start switching my mentality from SysV to modern init systems. Turns out, that systemd thingy is not so bad! Actually, it’s pretty cool.

There is an interesting video from RedHat Summit 2015 (at the bottom of this page) which I wholeheartedly recommend, especially it doesn’t solely apply to Red Hat – Debian Jessie uses systemd too.

My notes for impatient:


  • Slice (each gets CPUShares=1024)
    system.slice # services
    machine.slice #vms, containers, etc
  • Scope
  • Service


systemctl list-unit-files --no-pager|grep lvm
systemctl -t service list-unit-files
systemctl -t service
systemctl -t socket
systemctl -t socket list-unit-files
systemctl get-default
systemctl set-default multi-user  # runlevel 3, no GUI
systemctl set-default # aka runlevel 5,
systemctl list-timers # can be used to periodically run fstrim for example?
systemd-delta # what changed on system comparing to originally shipped by distributor
systemctl rescue
systemctl emergency
systemd-cgtop # this is cool!
journalctl # logging. Trusted and untrusted fields in logs, untrusted are generated by logging app
journalctl -xn
journalctl -k -b -1
journalctl /dev/sda
journalctl /usr/bin/python-thinlinc
journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=avahi-daemon.service

Checkout systemd based containers! Didn’t expect that

man systemd-nspawn
mkdir /var/lib/container/debian-tree
debootstrap --arch=amd64 unstable /var/lib/container/debian-tree/
systemd-nspawn -D /var/lib/container/debian-tree/

or assuming you have a bridge

systemd-nspawn --network-bridge=br-eth0 -D /var/lib/container/ka-lite

This installs a minimal Debian unstable distribution into the directory /var/lib/container/debian-tree/ and then spawns a shell in a namespace container in it. Wow. I know you can use like Linux Containers but this systemd-nspawn is already there waiting to be used.

Have fun.