Jul 102015

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So I had this crazy idea about fitting onboard computer to my 04′ Honda Accord Tourer (Exec trim with premium speaker system – non-navi version).
Been googling this and digesting available information, finally stumbled upon this excellent Engineering(DIY) project, blog and associated forum – and decided to give it a shot.

First sketch


Work in progress


Rear view camera fitted


Final effect


Shopping list





Link to PDF version here



 Accord Radio Plug – source of power

One thing worth noting, in order to power things up we need access the radio plug. To access radio plug I had to remove the whole stereo/disc changer unit. Sounds tricky but this lovely chap has got it covered for you. I didn’t buy any stereo removal tools, simple wide steel spatula/scraper did the job. Once radio removed I could access the radio plug so carefully removed a bit of isolation from three wires and soldered my RPi2 /LCD power cables with fuses.

Was a bit scared of that part but it took less than an hour altogether. Jolly good.

Picture of actual plug, courtesy of http://accordklubpolska.pl/



What’s left on my to do list

  • Adding pyOBD based KODI plugin for engine real-time diagnostic, similar to the one from this page.
  • Rear seats, adding headrest mounted monitors for kids (via HDMI splitter).


Full gallery with pictures is available here http://imgur.com/a/s0X3r

 Video presentation links


Some final thoughts

One note, if you would prefer to mount LCD a bit higher, say right above ventilation ducts, you might be interested in fitting this plastic panel instead of Double DIN fascia I used. Just an interesting alternative that was mentioned on one of the forums, alternative which I wasn’t aware of.

Apart of that, not much left to say as Andrei’s blog has most of the aspects covered.
But obviously if you have any Honda Accord specific question feel free to drop a comment here.

Many thanks to Andrei for publishing all necessary info and for keeping this awesome project alive.


  23 Responses to “Honda Accord Raspberry Pi based onboard computer”

  1. Did you build the center console and have the woodgrain film applied on it? Like the Linux Jetta at dashpc.com?

  2. Hi I just wanted to know what skin/theme you are using with Kodi. Thanks in advance

  3. Istnieje możliwość zaimplementowania w kodi obsługę zastawu głośnomówiącego przez bluetooth?

    • To raczej pytanie na forum Kodi, szczerze to nie eksplorowalem takiej opcji.

      W moim przypadku i tak musialem dodac Yatour zeby miec aux-in do radia – i ten model Yatour ma Bluetooth (zestaw glosnomowiacy czy streaming muzy ze sparowanego telefonu). Link do mojego modelu Yatour jest w Shopping List powyzej.

  4. Hey man can you list out what GPS dongle, WIFI dongle and BT Dongle you used?

  5. Jestem na etapie kompletowania elementów, mam już wyświetlacz z driverem ale okazał się wadliwy i czekam na drugą przesyłkę z Chin. Mnie najbardziej interesuje, w jaki sposób przymocowałeś wyświetlacz ? Ja wymyśliłem że kupię półkieszeń, dorobię do tego ramkę z polistyrenu. Jak Ty to rozwiązałeś?


    • Właśnie zobaczyłem fotki. Fajnie że do Twojego auta jest dostępna taka kieszeń, ja mam Peugeota 307 i niestety muszę kombinować. Taka ciekawostka – nie wiem czy wiesz, ale chyba na driverze który posiadasz jest możliwość doprowadzenia +12V z lampy wstecznego, nie trzeba ręcznie przełączać kamery cofania.

      • Czesc – ja kupilem LCD “second hand”, bez manuala. Ja myslalem ze wystarczy zapodac sygnal na AV2 i to powoduje juz przelaczenie na to zrodlo – kamerke mam zasilona z lampy cofania. Ale takie podlaczenie nie dziala wiec chyba faktycznie musze zdobyc i sie wczytac w schemat 🙂 Dzieki za info!

        • PIN ACC we wtyczce z AV2 to właśnie zasilanie ze światła cofania. Dostałeś może gdzieś tę 5 pinową wtyczkę? Nie mogę jej namierzyć.

          • Hmmm, kurcze stary ja nawet nie mam pojecia co to jest ten PIN ACC 🙂 I nawet nie wiem gdzie ta 5 pinowa wtyczka idzie? Sorry.

            Ale kombinuj i sie podziel jak to rozgryziesz bo to manualne przelaczanie zrodla to troche jednak faktycznie PITA 🙂

  6. Hey awesome work. I was just curious what GPS module you used. Thanks

  7. […] wanted to enable Bluetooth hands-free talk and music streaming in my Corolla Verso and because I’m very pleased with Yatour interface I use in my other car I decided to go the same […]

  8. Hi man what did you have to do to get around the German language on his Kodi os. I have tried and when I hit the ‘s key to type sudo the system thinks I hit the shutdown key.

  9. Hi there is am busy with a project like this as well did the steering functions work with the raspberry pi

  10. Are you running Raspbian as your OS? What happens when you shut the car off – does it do a clean shutdown?

    • Yep, it was Raspbian. Shutdown was performed by Mausberry Circuits 3A Car Supply / Switch, they provide mechanism for automating that. Mausberry is hooked up with two cables to GPIO and, if I remember correctly, there is a cronjob that monitors these GPIO pins and triggers shutdown when value on them is 1 (true). Something like that.

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